Darker Take on Santa One Chapter at a Time
Mr. Claus 2022
  • © 2022 James McGuire Contact Me 0

Mr. Claus 2022

“I can’t believe all of this. It blows my mind,” said Mr. Claus.
“Whatever works,” said Mrs. Claus looking at her phone.
“Yeah, but My Little Pony?”
“Don’t knock it ’til you try it, honey. Maybe these are men that as kids were forced into a gender role with violent video games or whatever they grew up with,” said Mrs. Claus.
“No, I get that. What I don’t get is the coupling of white supremacy and MLP. I mean they are all like rainbow colors and shit,” said Mr. Claus.
Mrs. Claus just looked up at her husband and raised her eyebrows.
“And what’s up with Orchidea?”
“You mean Oleander. I don’t know but there was something off there. Don’t ya think?”
“Yeah, but her concern seemed genuine even if her story is a little off.”
Mrs. Claus answered, “But we are looking into right?”
“Of course. Strange, odd and out of the ordinary. We’re there,” said Mr. Claus.
Mrs. Claus put her telephone down on the table and said, “Okay, I already got started here. Mr. Rainbow Sherbert is really Rufus Geertsen. His last known is an apartment on Broadway in the city.”
“And how does Rufus, sorry Rainbow, make his dough?”
“He seems to buy and sell My Little Ponies on the internet,” answered Mrs. Claus.
“Now why doesn’t that surprise me? What about SoMe? Any presence there?”
“Not that I can find. He seems to keep a low profile.”
“And what about the sister? Bijou. Anything?”
Mrs. Claus answered, “Nothing. No FB, no IG. She does have a very sparsely used Twitter account where she only posts about MLP stuff. And that seems to be very recent. Amazing that a woman her age could be relatively off the grid.”
“Alright. Call William and Leroy. We got ourselves a case,” said Mr. Claus.
For some reason Mrs. Claus pictured Tommy Lee Jones and had substituted fugitive for case before Mr. Claus had even finished. Hopefully the case wouldn’t involve a one-armed man with evil intentions.