Darker Take on Santa One Chapter at a Time
Mr. Claus 2023
  • © 2023 James McGuire Contact Me 0

Mr. Claus 2023

“Madam, madam, what about your dessert wine?” asked the hostess.
Gretchen plopped down a hundred dollar bill to cover any inconvenience and ran out of the store. She knew that she couldn’t get back to Arkansas as fast as they could travel there, so she needed some kind of diversion. It was the only real flaw in her otherwise brilliant plan. Fortunately, the three Hanks weren’t so bright and would follow along with her plans.


PBR Hank’s phone rang and he could see who was calling. He considered for a second to let it go to voicemail but didn’t dare.
“Hello,” said PBR.
He listened for the caller to finish and then asked for confirmation, “Weatherford, Oklahoma?”
He hung up the phone and looked at Miller and Busch.
“She says there is a change in plans and we are to stop in Weatherford, Oklahoma,” said PBR.
“Weatherford?” asked Miller.
“Yeah, Weatherford. Know it?”
“Only from passing it on the interstate. Why does Mother Rattlesnake want us to stop in Weatherford?” said Busch.
“She didn’t say and I didn’t ask,” said PBR.
“Something funny is going on,” said Miller.
William smiled to himself thinking that there was a potential rift between the gang in the van and their boss.

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