William and Leroy walked up to the passenger side of the Toyota pickup so that they couldn’t be seen from the taqueria if Rainbow Sherbert showed up.
“What’s up ladies?” asked Leroy.
“Not much. I am Paloma and this is Goldie,” said Paloma.
“Leroy and William,” said Leroy as he pointed to himself and then William.
“So any sign?” asked Leroy.
Paloma shook her head.
“So why are you so interested in Rainbow Sherbert?” asked William.
“You mean Rainbow Pony Bro, right?” said Goldie with a snicker.
“Yeah, whatever you want call him. You know if he has a lady friend?” asked William.
“I think so, but I haven’t ever seen her,” said Paloma.
“Are you sure it’s a her? I mean with the MLP stuff and all,” said Leroy.
“Oh come on, man. Get with the times. It’s obviously ballast for the toxic masculinity in his environment,” said Paloma.
“So what are you? Some kind of anthropologist or what?” asked Leroy.
“No, just the one telling you how it is,” said Paloma.
Leroy smiled.
“So what’s he doing- or not doing- that means you are parked here?” asked William.
“He seems to have something on the side,” said Paloma.
“And you don’t know what it is?” asked William.
“I know we are being duped. And that shit doesn’t sit well,” said Goldie.
“So he is helping you somehow in selling goods through his online trading of those ponies,” said Leroy.
“The man isn’t quite with the times but he’s smart,” said Paloma.
“Hey isn’t that him?” asked William and pointed up the street.
“Everybody get down,” said Paloma.
Farther up the street the Mercedes parked and Rufus got out to pick up his order. He was so hungry that he didn’t notice the Toyota pickup just across the street from the restaurant.