Otto walked into the Aardvark Detective Agency in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops. Berkeley wasn’t that cold in the winter but he was likely the only one with sandals- without stocks at least. By nisse standards he was a big guy and could nearly pass as a smaller human if need be. He eschewed that part of Berkeley, though, and instead hung out with the supernaturals.
Mr. Claus walked over and patted him on the back.
“How’s Viggo?” asked Mr. Claus.
“He’s getting by- you know doing his thing,” said Otto.
Viggo was his big brother and had had a couple of run-ins with Mr. Claus and the gang. He was a lovable rogue as was Otto.
“Nice to meet you,” said William and nodded.
“This is William, Leroy and Rosemary,” said Mr. Claus as he motioned to the others standing in the reception area of the office.
“Please come in,” said Mr. Claus and walked into his office.
They all sat down in the sofa and chairs on the opposite side of the office from the desk.
“What can I help you with? I assume you need something,” said Otto with a smile.
Otto pulled a joint out of his t-shirt pocket and a lighter from his shorts. He looked at everyone else. When no one batted an eye he lit up.
“Anybody?” asked Otto following decorum but hoping he had it all to himself.
“I’m good. The last time I smoked that nisse stuff I was wiped out the whole night,” said Leroy.
“Yeah, it packs a kick,” said Otto with a wink.
“We were hoping that you could help us out with a case,” said Mrs. Claus.
“That stinks of grassing on someone,” said Otto.
“I know better than that,” said Mr. Claus.
“We know you have a standing to keep. We were just wondering if you know a Mr. Rainbow Sherbert?” asked Mrs. Claus.
“That pony boy dude. Yeah I know him,” said Otto and took a hit of his joint.
“How does he put bread on the table?” asked Mrs. Claus.
“Or oats in the trough,” said Otto and laughed at his own joke.
Mrs. Claus took a sip of her bourbon and asked, “So how does he get on?”
“I hear he buys and sells My Little Pony paraphernalia on eBay,” said Otto.
“And drives a Mercedes,” asked Leroy pointedly.
“Interesting. He must be up to something new. But I don’t know what,” said Otto.
“No idea?” asked Mrs. Claus and reached out for the joint.
He handed it to Mrs. Claus, who took a modest hit and handed it back.
“Alright, I have heard a rumor,” said Otto.
“And that would be?” asked Mrs. Claus.
“I don’t want this getting back to me. I have a reputation,” said Otto.
“We’re just talking here,” said Mrs. Claus.
“Do you know the Average Joes?”
Mr. Claus, Mrs. Claus, William and Leroy all looked at one another.
“Oh, no,” said Mr. Claus.
“Oh, yes,” said Otto and smiled.