William and Liz looked up as Mrs. Claus marched by and on up the stairs for her daily nap. They had all figured out ways to get the time to go more smoothly and hers was a couple hours of sleep in the afternoon.
The two of them still had the business end of things going smoothly and most of the time they hung out in the in-law unit, which they had to themselves in the back yard. They couldn’t have been happier. They came and went as they pleased- as much as the lockdown would allow- and hung out with the others when it fit. No strings were attached and the whole thing had acquired a family vibe.
“Hey, Mrs. Claus see you at five,” said William.
She grunted in return as she reached the landing on the first floor.
“She’s doing well but does need her recharge,” said Liz.
“Especially after a couple trips to the cookie jar,” said William with a smirk.
Liz had taken up knitting to help pass the time and had made Christmas stockings for them all in multiple colors and designs. Whenever she wasn’t on the laptop checking the toy production at The Pole she was back at making stockings.
“It gives her what she needs,” said Liz.
“Yeah, we all need energy in our own way to survive this bubble Hell,” said William.
“It’s not so bad- it’s what you make of it,” replied Liz.
“I guess you’re right. We can easily do our work remotely and don’t have to juggle kids in school and weren’t foolhardy enough to buy a puppy or anything like that,” said William.
“Plus the weather is great and the people are accepting,” said Liz.
“Yeah, but still we’re only really missing that ankle monitor. Know what I mean?”
“I hear you there,” she answered and kept on knitting.