Lenny smiled over at Benjamin and said, “There we go. Boom!”
“I’m not sure about this, bro. You’re hijacking the Twitter account of the President of the US,” said Benjamin.
‘Well not really his account- just a parody account. It’s not the same thing, really,” said Lenny.
Benjamin shook his head.
“We just have to keep Viggo out of all of this. I’m not worried about Mr. Claus, but Viggo that’s a different matter,” said Lenny.
“Then why are we stirring up that hornet’s nest?”
“It’s got to be the whole Council of Elders so it looks like we are attacking everyone,” said Lenny.
“But we only sent those packages to Santa and Viggo,” said Benjamin.
“I know. We only had so much virus as you know,” answered Lenny.
“And why are we infecting our brethren?”
“I told you, man, that Santa dude has really hijacked the true meaning of the winter festival. C’mon, man, I shouldn’t have to explain this to you yet again,” said Lenny.
“But this is some serious negative mojo you’re sending,” said Benjamin.
“Real change requires real action,” said Lenny with a stern face.
“So that’s why we’re hiding behind some chicken shit scheme with fake tweets and biological warfare,” said Benjamin sternly.
“You. Don’t. Fucking understand a thing. He ruins everything every year,” said Lenny.
He threw Kasper down to the floor, got up and stomped out of the room.