“So we put it out there that I have the virus?” asked Mr. Claus.
“Yes,” answered Leroy.
“Because?” Mr. Claus asked dragging out the last part of the word.
William said, “Whoever sent this out obviously has some big plans and they need to know that things are going as they expect. Someone or some group is going to claim this. We can potentially trace them if they play their hand. If they don’t we only have the small town in Denmark to go on.”
Mr. Claus nodded his head.
Leroy added, “This has to hit social media in a controlled way so we command the information flow.”
“Damn, you’re asking him to write out that he has a weirded out version of COVID-19,” stated Mrs. Claus.
“Who better than Mr. Claus himself?” said William.
“Me? I don’t want to fool around with that. It’s serious business and I don’t know if I am down with this plan,” said Mr. Claus.
“I still think this is crazy- even for 2020,” said Mrs. Claus.
“Or we can just not do it and let it play out as it plays out,” said Mr. Claus.
“We have a week to Christmas- we have a sense of urgency here,” said Leroy.
Bing! J.J.’s phone rang loudly. He picked it up from the coffee table and held it in front of his face. He read for a couple of seconds and then looked up.
“Oh, my,” said J.J.
“What?” said Mrs. Claus sharply.
“There’s some good news and some bad news,” said J.J.
“What’s the good news?” asked Liz.
“We don’t have to worry about getting this out there. It’s already on Twitter,” said J.J.
“And the bad news?” Mrs. Claus.
“This whole thing is mentioned in a rant together with voting machines in Michigan,” said J.J.
“Oh no!” said Mr. Claus.
“Oh, yes,” answered J.J.
“Alright, J.J., read it aloud,” said Mrs. Claus.
“Here goes… The Michigan voting machines are rigged- in all caps- and now Santa Claus has the Kung Flu! Do the loser Dems have no shame? They’re cheating democracy and now your children won’t have Christmas,” said J.J.
“It’s a joke, right?” asked Liz.
“Honey, joke or not, there are millions who believe it and even more that will re-tweet. It will be all over social media within minutes,” said Mrs. Claus.
Mr. Claus and shook his head, “And to think I gave him new golf clubs last year.”