They got out of the Volvo and J.J. led them up to the dog park that Mr. Claus had mentioned on Twitter and where he had photographed, or at least attempted to photograph, Veronica. The path from the road led up to an upper area that was mostly grass surrounded by a low rock wall. There was a small group of dogs running around having a great time while their human parents were standing over to the side gathered around a picnic table.
As they walked toward the group of people Leroy said, “Let me do the talking and follow my lead.”
They both nodded in agreement as they kept walking with Leroy.
“Hi I’m Suzie Q’s mom— the corgi over there,” said the first woman they met.
“Nice to meet you,” said Leroy politely.
“You don’t have dogs?” said Ollie’s dad stating the obvious.
“Nope, no dogs,” said Leroy.
“Well, don’t mind us. Our dogs have all been fed so there is probably nothing to fear,” said someone from further back in the group.
They laughed at the joke. It probably wasn’t the first time they had heard it, but it was still funny.
“We are looking for someone and it’s important that we find her,” said Leroy gravely.
J.J. and William looked at one another and then back at Leroy.
“Her name is Veronica and she has a black labradoodle that is about this big,” said Leroy and put his hand down around his hips.
“That’s Jolene’s mom,” said Suzie Q’s mom.
Ollie’s dad cleared his throat, stepped forward and asked, “To what does this pertain?”
“You wouldn’t believe me,” said Leroy hesitantly.
“It’s Berkeley. Try us,” said Ollie’s dad.
“Your call. These two gentlemen over here are on the shorter side because they are elves and I am their friend they call when things get difficult. We believe Santa Claus has been kidnapped by Jolene’s mom and we need to find her to find him,” said Leroy with a completely straight face.
“What have you guys been smoking?” asked Suzie Q’s mom.
William stepped up next to Leroy and said, “It’s true. I am an elf and we are looking for Mr. Claus.”
“Mr. Claus?,” asked Ollie’s dad.
“Yes, Mr. Claus, is what we call him,” said William.
“They wouldn’t make that up, would they?” asked the voice from the back that made the joke earlier.
“Do you mind if I take your picture?” asked Ollie’s dad.
“As long as you tell me where Veronica lives,” countered Leroy.
Ollie’s dad took a picture of J.J., William and Leroy before telling them that Veronica’s place was six houses down on the right-hand side of the street.
“You can’t miss it. It’s in constant shadow,” he said as J.J., William and Leroy headed back down to the Volvo sleigh.